
QuantaLoan Market Research


Coquille, OR 97423

Coquille (97423) has an estimated 6,809 residents with 6,711 of those people in approximately 2,841 housing units. The 97423 zipcode contains 1,201 housing units that are owned with a mortgage or a loan, 860 housing units that are owned free and clear and 780 housing units that are renter occupied.

In Coquille (97423) the median listing price of $187,000 has dropped by $8,000 since 2018-10.

In 2018 the average percentage drop was 6.63% of original listing price.

Zip code 97423 is in the Coos Bay metropolitan area.
The median estimated home value in Coquille, OR (97423) is $178,400 as of 2018-10-31

The Zillow Market Health Index for Coquille, OR (97423) is 2.45. The corresponding state value is 5.49. This is significantly lower than the overall Market Health Index of Oregon.
Metro value is 7.35.
This is significantly lower than the overall Market Health Index of CoosBay.

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